
read/write a NFC tag or communicate with android android, NFC
WiFi of the test implementation of the ODIN-W2. Using ubuntu environment of Windows10 BLE, mbed, odin-w2, OS, Ubuntu, wifi, Windows10
Etch a Sketch on the uLCD screen with wheel encoders as the knobs. Encoder, etch, game, LCD, Sketch
Create a robot car that can be controlled with your phone or have two cars that play Hide and Seek! car, Gatech, robot
FRDM-KL46Z try out kl46z
A program using GPS to calculate speed and notify. By Ibrahim Khan and Saad Khan. GPS, IMU, Speed
Instructional guide on creating a Connect 4 game on an mbed using a NeoPixel LED Matrix and a joystick. ECE4180, mbed, NeoMatrix, NeoPixel, RGB LED