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    Microcontrollers are a solution looking for a problem, and that solution is getting impressive; lots of performance, lots of peripherals, and a price-point that opens them up to a host of new opportunities. However, the problem in exploiting these opportunities is exactly that; what is the problem?

    The industry has built excellent tools for embedded engineers to productise microcontroller designs, once the desired specification is known. But when the task is to prove a concept or define a specification, even for experienced engineers the risks and timescales often don't add up. The result is that ideas don't get tried, there is little iteration or design space exploration, the final design is also the prototype, or the specification is overly cautious. This has the potential to be a real barrier to adoption.

    To help address this need, mbed provides a platform for microcontroller hardware, tools, libraries and resources designed to enable rapid prototyping with microcontrollers.

    Getting Started

    One goal for mbed is to get a new user running their first program as soon as possible, to build confidence and trust in the hardware and software toolchain. The mbed tools have applied some novel technology to achieve this, and the results speak for themselves; you can get started in 60 seconds. This achievement means there is little excuse left not to experiment.

    The results are achieved through two innovations; a USB disk based programmer on the hardware, and compiler tools as a cloud-computing based web-application that runs in a web browser. The IDE is simple but functional, allowing it to step out of the way and do what it is designed for; edit and compile code. With everything pre-configured and no drivers or software to install, it will work out-of-the-box, on any platform; PC, Mac or Linux. This instant no-hassle access gives great confidence in the tools, enabling users to pick them up whenever they need to use or demo them.

    Rapid Prototyping

    The architecture and implementation of the hardware and software components of mbed provide a unique advantage when it comes to prototyping. The mbed Microcontroller hardware packages a microcontroller, support components and smart USB interface in a practical 40-pin 0.1" pitch DIP form-factor, ideal for experimenting on solderless breadboard, stripboard and through-hole PCBs. To support the exposed interfaces, an mbed C/C++ library provides high-level interfaces to microcontroller peripherals, enabling a clean, compact, API-driven approach to coding. The combination gives immediate connectivity to peripherals and modules for prototyping and iteration of microcontroller-based system designs, providing developers with the freedom to be more innovative and more productive.

    Rather than simply providing examples, mbed focuses on reusable library functionality, with clear interfaces and solid implementations. The core mbed library supports the main peripherals, and the libraries already contributed by the mbed design community include USB, TCP/IP, and HTTP support. It is also possible to add third-party and open-source stacks.


    The focus on rapid prototyping gives mbed a broad appeal. For engineers new to embedded applications, mbed will enable them to experiment and test product ideas for the first time. For experienced engineers, mbed provides a way to be more productive in the proof-of-concept stages of development. And for marketing, distributors and application engineers, mbed provides a consistent platform for demonstration, evaluation and support of microcontrollers. As a result, the mbed tools will help a diverse audience exploit the opportunities presented by advanced microcontrollers.

    An interview with the mbed originators

    Simon Ford and Chris Styles talk about how mbed was developed.

    The mbed project began in 2005 when two ARM employees met for a tea break to discuss some extracurricular projects they'd been helping out with; an undergraduate project and some after-school electronics clubs. Both we€™re frustrated with the results.

    "We were working in these educational environments with some pretty nifty microcontroller technology, and the students were getting excited by it," said Chris Styles, ARM Support. "They'd see the potential for the technology and run with it, speculating about what they could build." But when it came to executing on these ideas, the response was never as inspiring; "Nice idea, but unfortunately it isn't as easy to build." The implementation details were consistently getting in the way of even conceptually simple designs.

    Another problem also came up. "Chris was getting stuck because all the school systems were locked down, and he couldn't install anything," said Simon Ford, ARM R&D. "So he was playing with the idea for running the tools online." But it didn't hang together until the second core idea was born. "A week later we had the USB disk programming idea, and then we knew it could fly; not long after that, we had built a first proof-of-concept of the basic system."

    For the next year or so, the mbed project continued to develop as an out-of-hours skunk-works project. "No one would really take us that seriously, and probably rightly so," said Simon. "We knew we were on to something, but we hadn't seen the bigger picture. We were still focused on the cool technology, and on schools and universities."

    At the same time, ARM's partners were starting to develop microcontrollers based on the new 32-bit ARM Cortex-M3 core, and it was becoming obvious this was going to shake up the industry. "The microcontrollers that were starting to filter through we're really impressive; more powerful than the processors that were running your mobile phone not too long ago," said Simon. "all sorts of interfaces for connecting to different modules and peripherals, and with things like Ethernet built in, they could get on the internet too." That alone would be interesting, but with the prices getting as low as $1, the new opportunities were going to be huge.

    It was helping industries exploit this opportunity that became the real focus for mbed. The turning point came during a sabbatical in Australia, with two books that influenced the direction of the project.

    The first book was "Deschooling Society" (Ivan Illich, 1971), which talks about the growth of institutionalised education and the impact it has had on the way people perceive education. "I realised we'd been thinking about education in terms of formally taught education." said Simon. The reality is most people with engineering interests teach themselves things all the time. "I suddenly saw this idea was applicable to anyone wanting to experiment with microcontrollers, whatever their situation." In particular, that meant any companies or industries that could benefit from introducing microcontrollers. "In hindsight it is obvious, but that was a real turning point for us"

    The second book was "The Paradox of Choice" (Barry Schwartz, 2004), which talks of the paralysis people feel when presented with too much choice, to the point of not being able to make decisions or progress. "We'd been having lots of similar discussions about how overwhelming it was for someone new to come in to microcontrollers," said Chris. "This research helped formalise our thoughts, and we took the position that as the 'experts', we should be making a lot of decisions on behalf of the user, at least until they knew better."

    These insights formed the vision for mbed; Rapid Prototyping for Microcontrollers. The focus was on making getting started as simple as possible, and optimising how efficiently you could test out an idea, rather than the efficiency of the solution itself. With the wider potential, ARM R&D took on the project. "We started researching things like form-factor, libraries, support and community", said Chris. "By mid 2007, we had a whole setup running," said Simon. "It was along way from where we are now, but meant we could really start trials and iterate the solution."

    ARM MCU Partners began to get involved, the development team grew, and mbed was developed through to being a real product. "mbed is a pretty unique solution with some clear goals, and we've been trialling it long enough to know it really works." said Simon. "We've built up some great technology and a knowledgeable team, and hope our work will help lots of new industries take advantage of the opportunities these microcontrollers present. If we can do that, everyone involved will benefit."


    The mbed project was initiated by two ARM employees, and later became an official research project within ARM. It is now run and maintained by ARM to help MCU Partners provide their customers with the best way to prototype designs using their microcontrollers.

    NXP are a lead partner on the mbed project, supporting it from early on in the project and helping to launch the first official mbed solution, based on the NXP LPC1768 Cortex-M3 MCU.


    We've learned that the best way to achieve results is to work in partnership. If you have ideas of how you could work with us to help achieve mbed's goals, or could make use of the technologies we have developed, please email us to discuss it further:

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