Export often downloads corrupt zip file

13 Nov 2014

Hi, lately I am having lots of trouble exporting in mbed. The export starts, but always just downloads corrupt *.zip files. The zip is often just a couple of kbytes in size - obviously not downloading whole file.These exports used to work a couple of days ago. But, even then I had to try a couple of times for the same export. Some times it just downloaded a small, corrupt file. I have tried multiple browsers, and exactly the same thing.

For example, I import the "Nucleo_blink_led" program to my workspace. http://developer.mbed.org/teams/ST/code/Nucleo_blink_led

My targets are "ST Nucleo L152RE", "ST Nucleo R401RE" and "FRDM-KL25Z". Trying to export to multiple different toolchains. Also tried to convert mbed to library, and replaced mbed with mbed-src.