Pin 5 on mbed board LPC1768 not functioning?

20 Mar 2017

I am using the mbed board LPC1768 and have a problem with pins 5 and 6. I think it's an intermittent hardware problem.

In my set-up, pin 5 can connect through a 3k resistor to either Vout (+3.3V) or GND. I have the same configuration for pin 6.

When I run the following code, both LED 1 and LED4 are illuminated if either pin 5 _or_ pin 6 are pulled up to Vout:

#include "mbed.h"
DigitalIn input5(p5);
DigitalIn input6(p6);

DigitalOut led1(LED1);
DigitalOut led4(LED4);
int main() {
  while(1) {
    led1 = input5;
    led4 = input6;

If pin 5 is pulled up to 3.3V through a 3K resistor and pin 6 is left floating, both pin 5 and pin 6 will be at 3V.

If pin 5 is pulled up to 3.3V and pin 6 is pulled down to 0V (both through 3K resistors), then the voltage on both pin 5 and pin 6 is 1.5V. This suggests that pin 5 and pin 6 are connected together and the two 3K resistors form a potential divider.

The problem is intermittent because sometimes pin 6 seems to work ok for a while as a DigitalIn if pin 5 is left floating

Having said all the above, pins 5 amd 6 work independently if they are used as DigitalOut. The rest of the board seems to be working ok.

Is there anything that can be done or are pins 5 and 6 damaged?