NUCLEO F411RE fail to read Sensor ID

05 Oct 2016


I have problem with NUCLEO STM32-F411RE and IKS01A1, to read data with the program "Sensor_Reader". I have this:

--- Starting new run ---
Humidity  | Temperature Sensor ID = UNKNOWN (0x0 | 0x0)

I2C [errors]: 0x00    X         Y         Z
MAG [mgauss]:         0         0 537001888
ACC [mg]:             0 536873232       214
GYR [mdps]:           0         0 134242049
TEMP | HUMIDITY: 0.00°C | 0.00%
TEMP | PRESSURE: 0.00°F | 0.00mbar

I test the received ID id1 and id2 in main.cpp:

	CALL_METH(humidity_sensor, ReadID, &id1, 0x0);
	CALL_METH(temp_sensor1, ReadID, &id2, 0x0);

Each time id1 and id2 are empty.

I used it with STM32-L053R8 and it work perfectly. ST Firmware and mbed Library are up to date. I don't understand where the problem is?

Could you help me?

Best Regards,


07 Nov 2016

Is this still an actual problem?