Collaboration beta trials starting now

I'm happy to announce that we are now accepting beta testers for our new collaboration infrastructure!


This is a major update for mbed, introducing fully integrated support for code collaboration within the mbed Compiler and Website.


The collaboration infrastructure is based on the distributed version control model (DVCS), and allows creation, sharing and collaboration on code repositories hosted on mbed. This enables lots of useful workflows, like allowing you to work with a group of developers on a shared codebase, or to publish and share a library, and pull fixes and improvements other developers might suggest.

Some feature highlights include:

  • Creating new public repositories directly from the mbed Compiler
  • Shared repositories allowing other users to commit to your public repository
  • Forking of repositories that are trackable and mergable with the original repository
  • Full support for pulling, pushing, forking and merging within the Compiler IDE
  • Activity streams to follow repositories you are interested in
  • Integrated repository wikis to document your project

If you'd like to read more about the collaboration system, we have started to publish details at:

We'll be sharing more details as we progress through the beta.

Applying for the Beta

We've successfully completed all our internal rounds of testing, so are now expanding the beta trials wider. We'll be limiting numbers initially so you'll need to contact us to enable your account to access the beta.

To apply for the beta, you will need to email us at stating your interest in collaborative version control - perhaps you're part of a group which want to collaborate on a program, or publishing a library that you want to accept fixes back it to? We're looking for a range of users to get feedback from groups who are using the system in different ways. After you email us, we'll send you instructions on how to proceed.

Thanks for your interest!

Some of the features in action

2 comments on Collaboration beta trials starting now:

10 Jun 2012

Thanks for all the beta applications so far, and even a couple of bug reports! Keep them coming :)

12 Jun 2012

This is going to be great!

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