Mbed Blog

mbed OS 5.5.3 released

We are pleased to announce the mbed OS 5.5.3 release is now available. This release includes only bugfixes.

Here is a full list of all changes and fixes in this release...

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mbed OS 5.5.2 Released

We are pleased to announce the mbed OS 5.5.2 release is now available. This release includes new target support for DISCO_F413ZH and VBLUno51 and an update for the STM32F7 cube from v1.6.0 to v1.7.0. It also includes SHA256 and SHA1 hw acceleration support for NUCLEO_F439ZI, USB Device for DISCO_L072CZ_LRWAN1, plus a number of fixes to mbed OS and tools to improve stability and functionality.

Here is a full list of all changes and fixes in this release...

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A new Windows installer for mbed CLI

Windows installer for mbed CLI

As some of you are aware, we provide a command line tool called mbed CLI for mbed OS. mbed CLI allows you to carry out actions such as creating, importing, publishing, and building projects. Typically, you might want to use this if you're looking for a lightweight way of working with mbed OS outside of a GUI.

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mbed OS 5.5.1 released

We are pleased to announce the mbed OS 5.5.1 release is now available.

This release includes a fix for a critical issue found in mbed-os-5.5.0:

  • 4584: Introduction of RTX/CMSIS 5 has broken semaphone signalling.

The issue has been fixed by reverting the behaviour back to how it was in RTX/CMSIS 4.

The release also includes support for CM3DS_MPS2 and DISCO_L475VG_IOT01A targets, an update to the u-blox ODIN-W2 driver binaries and a number of bug fixes to improve the stability of the tools and codebase.

Here is a full list of all changes and fixes in this release...

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mbed OS 5.5 is now released!

We're pleased to introduce mbed OS 5.5, now available for developers!

The mbed OS 5.5 release upgrades to the latest version of CMSIS, paving the way for support of the latest ARM compilers, ARMv8-M Architecture based MCUs and lower power RTOS modes. It also introduces cellular connectivity, embedded storage and hardware security enhancements to further simplify development of connected, managed IoT devices. In addition, this release contains many minor fixes and enhancements and brings target platform support up to 85 targets.

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Get your early bird tickets for ARM mbed Connect @ TechCon 2017: On sale until July 7th!


Join us at mbed Connect USA 2017: Our annual IoT Developer Summit

Register for only $25 before July 7, 2017!

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mbed OS 5.4.7 released

We are pleased to announce the mbed OS 5.4.7 release is now available. This release includes a flash api and iar exporter for nRF52840 plus a number of bug fixes to improve the stability of the code base.

Here is a full list of all changes and fixes in this release.

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Firmware updates over Low-Powered Wide Area Networks


A reference implementation, video's and a white paper are available on http://mbed.com/fota-lora

Firmware updates are essential for large scale deployment of connected devices. Security patches protect customer and business data, and new functionality, optimizations and specalization extend the lifetime of devices. This article demonstrates firmware updates over the most challenging type of networks: low power and long range networks.

Firmware updates over LPWAN

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Post-Webinar Q&A: Building a chain of trust in IoT

Last week, we hosted the "Building a chain of trust in IoT" webinar, led by Jim Carver, in ARM's Meet the Experts webinar series. If you missed the event, you can access the webinar recording now and learn more about to learn more about the various challenges which must be addressed in order to develop, deploy and maintain a trusted IoT device.

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mbed OS Planned API and Toolchain Changes

mbed OS Planned API and Toolchain Changes

mbed OS 5.5 is about to go through verification and validation! There are lots of great new additions, both features and boards, and more on that soon. First, here is some insight on what's changing and things to be aware of that may have a notable effect on mbed OS API or tool compatibility. Our intent is to minimize the effect on developer applications and workflows.

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