Mbed library for ENC28J60 Ethernet modules. Full support for TCP/IP and UDP Server, Client and HTTP server (webserver). DHCP and DNS is included.

Dependents:   mBuino_ENC28_MQTT Nucleo_Web_ENC28J60 Nucleo_Web_ENC28J60_ADC Serial_over_Ethernet ... more

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00001 // DHCP Library v0.3 - April 25, 2009
00002 // Author: Jordan Terrell - blog.jordanterrell.com
00003 #ifndef DHCPCLIENT_h
00004 #define DHCPCLIENT_h
00006 #include "UdpSocket.h"
00007 #include "IpAddress.h"
00009 /* DHCP state machine. */
00011 #define STATE_DHCP_START        0
00012 #define STATE_DHCP_DISCOVER     1
00013 #define STATE_DHCP_REQUEST      2
00014 #define STATE_DHCP_LEASED       3
00015 #define STATE_DHCP_REREQUEST    4
00016 #define STATE_DHCP_RELEASE      5
00018 #define DHCP_FLAGSBROADCAST     0x8000
00020 /* UDP port numbers for DHCP */
00022 #define DHCP_SERVER_PORT        67          /* from server to client */
00024 #define DHCP_CLIENT_PORT        68          /* from client to server */
00026 /* DHCP message OP code */
00028 #define DHCP_BOOTREQUEST        1
00029 #define DHCP_BOOTREPLY          2
00031 /* DHCP message type */
00033 #define DHCP_DISCOVER           1
00034 #define DHCP_OFFER              2
00035 #define DHCP_REQUEST            3
00036 #define DHCP_DECLINE            4
00037 #define DHCP_ACK                5
00038 #define DHCP_NAK                6
00039 #define DHCP_RELEASE            7
00040 #define DHCP_INFORM             8
00042 #define DHCP_HTYPE10MB          1
00043 #define DHCP_HTYPE100MB         2
00045 #define DHCP_HLENETHERNET       6
00046 #define DHCP_HOPS               0
00047 #define DHCP_SECS               0
00049 #define MAGIC_COOKIE            0x63825363
00050 #define MAX_DHCP_OPT            16
00052 #define HOST_NAME               "ENC28J"
00053 #define DEFAULT_LEASE           (900)   //default lease time in seconds
00055 #define DHCP_CHECK_NONE         (0)
00056 #define DHCP_CHECK_RENEW_FAIL   (1)
00057 #define DHCP_CHECK_RENEW_OK     (2)
00058 #define DHCP_CHECK_REBIND_FAIL  (3)
00059 #define DHCP_CHECK_REBIND_OK    (4)
00061 enum
00062 {
00063     padOption               = 0,
00064     subnetMask              = 1,
00065     timerOffset             = 2,
00066     routersOnSubnet         = 3,
00067     timeServer              = 4,
00068     nameServer              = 5,
00069     dns                     = 6,
00070     logServer               = 7,
00071     cookieServer            = 8,
00072     lprServer               = 9,
00073     impressServer           = 10,
00074     resourceLocationServer  = 11,
00075     hostName                = 12,
00076     bootFileSize            = 13,
00077     meritDumpFile           = 14,
00078     domainName              = 15,
00079     swapServer              = 16,
00080     rootPath                = 17,
00081     extentionsPath          = 18,
00082     IPforwarding            = 19,
00083     nonLocalSourceRouting   = 20,
00084     policyFilter            = 21,
00085     maxDgramReasmSize       = 22,
00086     defaultIPTTL            = 23,
00087     pathMTUagingTimeout     = 24,
00088     pathMTUplateauTable     = 25,
00089     ifMTU                   = 26,
00090     allSubnetsLocal         = 27,
00091     broadcastAddr           = 28,
00092     performMaskDiscovery    = 29,
00093     maskSupplier            = 30,
00094     performRouterDiscovery  = 31,
00095     routerSolicitationAddr  = 32,
00096     staticRoute             = 33,
00097     trailerEncapsulation    = 34,
00098     arpCacheTimeout         = 35,
00099     ethernetEncapsulation   = 36,
00100     tcpDefaultTTL           = 37,
00101     tcpKeepaliveInterval    = 38,
00102     tcpKeepaliveGarbage     = 39,
00103     nisDomainName           = 40,
00104     nisServers              = 41,
00105     ntpServers              = 42,
00106     vendorSpecificInfo      = 43,
00107     netBIOSnameServer       = 44,
00108     netBIOSdgramDistServer  = 45,
00109     netBIOSnodeType         = 46,
00110     netBIOSscope            = 47,
00111     xFontServer             = 48,
00112     xDisplayManager         = 49,
00113     dhcpRequestedIPaddr     = 50,
00114     dhcpIPaddrLeaseTime     = 51,
00115     dhcpOptionOverload      = 52,
00116     dhcpMessageType         = 53,
00117     dhcpServerIdentifier    = 54,
00118     dhcpParamRequest        = 55,
00119     dhcpMsg                 = 56,
00120     dhcpMaxMsgSize          = 57,
00121     dhcpT1value             = 58,
00122     dhcpT2value             = 59,
00123     dhcpClassIdentifier     = 60,
00124     dhcpClientIdentifier    = 61,
00125     endOption               = 255
00126 };
00128 typedef struct _RIP_MSG_FIXED
00129 {
00130     uint8_t     op;
00131     uint8_t     htype;
00132     uint8_t     hlen;
00133     uint8_t     hops;
00134     uint32_t    xid;
00135     uint16_t    secs;
00136     uint16_t    flags;
00137     uint8_t     ciaddr[4];
00138     uint8_t     yiaddr[4];
00139     uint8_t     siaddr[4];
00140     uint8_t     giaddr[4];
00141     uint8_t     chaddr[6];
00142 } RIP_MSG_FIXED;
00144 class   DhcpClient
00145 {
00146 private:
00147     uint32_t    _dhcpInitialTransactionId;
00148     uint32_t    _dhcpTransactionId;
00149     uint8_t     _dhcpMacAddr[6];
00150     uint8_t     _dhcpLocalIp[4];
00151     uint8_t     _dhcpSubnetMask[4];
00152     uint8_t     _dhcpGatewayIp[4];
00153     uint8_t     _dhcpDhcpServerIp[4];
00154     uint8_t     _dhcpDnsServerIp[4];
00155     uint32_t    _dhcpLeaseTime;
00156     uint32_t    _dhcpT1, _dhcpT2;
00157     time_t      _renewInSec;
00158     time_t      _rebindInSec;
00159     time_t      _lastCheck;
00160     time_t      _timeout;
00161     time_t      _responseTimeout;
00162     time_t      _secTimeout;
00163     uint8_t     _dhcp_state;
00164     UdpSocket   _dhcpUdpSocket;
00166     int         requestDhcpLease();
00167     void        resetDhcpLease();
00168     void        presendDhcp();
00169     void        sendDhcpMessage(uint8_t, uint16_t);
00170     void        printByte(char* , uint8_t);
00172     uint8_t     parseDhcpResponse(time_t responseTimeout, uint32_t& transactionId);
00174 public:
00175     IpAddress   getLocalIp();
00176     IpAddress   getSubnetMask();
00177     IpAddress   getGatewayIp();
00178     IpAddress   getDhcpServerIp();
00179     IpAddress   getDnsServerIp();
00181     int         begin(uint8_t* mac, unsigned long timeout = 60, unsigned long responseTimeout = 4);
00182     int         checkLease();
00183 };
00184 #endif