These are the examples provided for [[/users/frank26080115/libraries/LPC1700CMSIS_Lib/]] Note, the entire "program" is not compilable!

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00001 /*----------------------------------------------------------------------------
00002  *      Name:    serial.h
00003  *      Purpose: serial port handling
00004  *      Version: V1.10
00005  *----------------------------------------------------------------------------
00006  *      This software is supplied "AS IS" without any warranties, express,
00007  *      implied or statutory, including but not limited to the implied
00008  *      warranties of fitness for purpose, satisfactory quality and
00009  *      noninfringement. Keil extends you a royalty-free right to reproduce
00010  *      and distribute executable files created using this software for use
00011  *      on NXP Semiconductors LPC microcontroller devices only. Nothing else
00012  *      gives you the right to use this software.
00013  *
00014  * Copyright (c) 2009 Keil - An ARM Company. All rights reserved.
00015  *---------------------------------------------------------------------------*/
00017 #define PORT_NUM    1
00019 /*----------------------------------------------------------------------------
00020  Serial interface related prototypes
00021  *---------------------------------------------------------------------------*/
00022 extern void  ser_OpenPort  (char portNum);
00023 extern void  ser_ClosePort (char portNum);
00024 extern void  ser_InitPort0  (unsigned long baudrate, unsigned int databits, unsigned int parity, unsigned int stopbits);
00025 extern void  ser_InitPort1  (unsigned long baudrate, unsigned int databits, unsigned int parity, unsigned int stopbits);
00026 extern void  ser_AvailChar (int *availChar);
00027 extern int   ser_Write     (char portNum, const char *buffer, int *length);
00028 extern int   ser_Read      (char *buffer, const int *length);
00029 extern void  ser_LineState (unsigned short *lineState);