These are the examples provided for [[/users/frank26080115/libraries/LPC1700CMSIS_Lib/]] Note, the entire "program" is not compilable!

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00001 /*************************************************************************
00002  *
00003  *
00004  *    (c) Copyright IAR Systems 2006
00005  *
00006  *    File name   : glcd_ll.h
00007  *    Description : GLCD low level include file
00008  *
00009  *    History :
00010  *    1. Date        : December 2, 2006
00011  *       Author      : Stanimir Bonev
00012  *       Description : Create
00013  *
00014  *    $Revision: 28532 $
00015  **************************************************************************/
00016 #include "lpc_types.h"
00018 #ifndef __GLCD_LL_H
00019 #define __GLCD_LL_H
00022 #define BACKLIGHT_OFF   0x40
00023 #define BACKLIGHT_ON    0x20
00024 #define SSP_FIFO_SIZE   8
00026 /*************************************************************************
00027  * Function Name: GLCD_SetReset
00028  * Parameters: Boolean State
00029  * Return: none
00030  *
00031  * Description: Set reset pin state
00032  *
00033  *************************************************************************/
00034 void GLCD_SetReset (Bool State);
00036 /*************************************************************************
00037  * Function Name: GLCD_Backlight
00038  * Parameters: Int8U Light
00039  * Return: none
00040  *
00041  * Description: Set backlight level
00042  *
00043  *************************************************************************/
00044 void GLCD_Backlight (uint8_t Light);
00046 /*************************************************************************
00047  * Function Name: GLCD_LLInit
00048  * Parameters: none
00049  * Return: none
00050  *
00051  * Description: Init Reset and Backlight control outputs
00052  *
00053  *************************************************************************/
00054 void GLCD_LLInit (void);
00056 /*************************************************************************
00057  * Function Name: GLCD_SPI_ChipSelect
00058  * Parameters: Boolean Select
00059  * Return: none
00060  *
00061  * Description: SSP0 Chip select control
00062  * Select = true  - Chip is enable
00063  * Select = false - Chip is disable
00064  *
00065  *************************************************************************/
00066 void GLCD_SPI_ChipSelect(Bool Select);
00068 /*************************************************************************
00069  * Function Name: GLCD_SPI_SetWordWidth
00070  * Parameters: uint32_t Width
00071  * Return: Boolean
00072  *
00073  * Description: Set SSP 0 word width
00074  *
00075  *************************************************************************/
00076 Bool GLCD_SPI_SetWordWidth (uint32_t Width);
00078 /*************************************************************************
00079  * Function Name: GLCD_SPI_SetClockFreq
00080  * Parameters: uint32_t Frequency
00081  * Return: uint32_t
00082  *
00083  * Description: Set SSP 0 clock
00084  *
00085  *************************************************************************/
00086 uint32_t GLCD_SPI_SetClockFreq (uint32_t Frequency);
00088 /*************************************************************************
00089  * Function Name: GLCD_SPI_Init
00090  * Parameters: uint32_t Clk, uint32_t Width
00091  * Return: none
00092  *
00093  * Description: Init SSP0
00094  *
00095  *************************************************************************/
00096 void GLCD_SPI_Init(uint32_t Clk, uint32_t Width);
00098 /*************************************************************************
00099  * Function Name: GLCD_SPI_TranserByte
00100  * Parameters: uint32_t Data
00101  * Return: uint32_t
00102  *
00103  * Description: Transfer byte from SSP0
00104  *
00105  *************************************************************************/
00106 uint32_t GLCD_SPI_TranserByte (uint32_t Data);
00108 /*************************************************************************
00109  * Function Name: GLCD_SPI_SendBlock
00110  * Parameters: pInt8U pData, uint32_t Size
00111  *
00112  * Return: void
00113  *
00114  * Description: Read byte from SSP
00115  *
00116  *************************************************************************/
00117 void GLCD_SPI_SendBlock (unsigned char *pData, uint32_t Size);
00119 /*************************************************************************
00120  * Function Name: GLCD_SPI_ReceiveBlock
00121  * Parameters: unsigned char *pData, uint32_t Size
00122  *
00123  * Return: void
00124  *
00125  * Description: Read byte from SSP
00126  *
00127  *************************************************************************/
00128 void GLCD_SPI_ReceiveBlock (unsigned char *pData, uint32_t Size);
00130 #endif // __GLCD_LL_H