These are the examples provided for [[/users/frank26080115/libraries/LPC1700CMSIS_Lib/]] Note, the entire "program" is not compilable!

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00001  ******************** (C) COPYRIGHT 2010 NXPSemiconductors *******************
00002  * @file    UART\AutoBaud\abstract.txt 
00003  * @author  NXP MCU SW Application Team
00004  * @version 2.0
00005  * @date    
00006  * @brief   Description of the UART Autobaud example.
00007  ******************************************************************************
00008  * Software that is described herein is for illustrative purposes only
00009  * which provides customers with programming information regarding the
00010  * products. This software is supplied "AS IS" without any warranties.
00011  * NXP Semiconductors assumes no responsibility or liability for the
00012  * use of the software, conveys no license or title under any patent,
00013  * copyright, or mask work right to the product. NXP Semiconductors
00014  * reserves the right to make changes in the software without
00015  * notification. NXP Semiconductors also make no representation or
00016  * warranty that such application will be suitable for the specified
00017  * use without further testing or modification.
00018  ******************************************************************************
00020 @Example description:
00021     Purpose:
00022         This is a simple UART example using auto baudrate mode
00023     Process:    
00024         UART0 is configured as the default settings:
00025             - Baudrate set to auto mode
00026             - 8 data bit
00027             - 1 Stop bit
00028             - None parity
00029         After reset,  first, type 'A' or 'a' character to start Auto baud rate mode.
00030         Once Auto baud rate mode completed, print welcome screen,
00031         then press any key to have it read in from the terminal and returned back to the terminal.
00033         Note: If using this example to test with UART1, pls add conversion type (LPC_UART_TypeDef *)LPC_UART1
00034         because UART1 has different structure type
00035         Ex: UART_Send((LPC_UART_TypeDef *)LPC_UART1, menu1, sizeof(menu1), BLOCKING);
00037 @Directory contents:
00038     \EWARM: includes EWARM (IAR) project and configuration files
00039     \Keil:  includes RVMDK (Keil)project and configuration files 
00041     lpc17xx_libcfg.h: Library configuration file - include needed driver library for this example 
00042     makefile: Example's makefile (to build with GNU toolchain)
00043     uart_autobaud_test.c: Main program
00045 @How to run:
00046     Hardware configuration:     
00047         This example was tested on:
00048             Keil MCB1700 with LPC1768 vers.1
00049                 These jumpers must be configured as following:
00050                 - VDDIO: ON
00051                 - VDDREGS: ON 
00052                 - VBUS: ON
00053                 - Remain jumpers: OFF
00054             IAR LPC1768 KickStart vers.A
00055                 These jumpers must be configured as following:
00056                 - PWR_SEL: depend on power source
00057                 - DBG_EN : ON
00058                 - Remain jumpers: OFF
00061     Running mode:
00062         This example can run on RAM/ROM mode.
00064         Note: If want to burn hex file to board by using Flash Magic, these jumpers need
00065         to be connected:
00066             - MCB1700 with LPC1768 ver.1:
00067                 + RST: ON
00068                 + ISP: ON
00069             - IAR LPC1768 KickStart vers.A:
00070                 + RST_E: ON
00071                 + ISP_E: ON
00073         (Please reference "LPC1000 Software Development Toolchain" - chapter 4 "Creating and working with
00074         LPC1000CMSIS project" for more information)
00076     Step to run:
00077         - Step 1: Build example.
00078         - Step 2: Burn hex file into board (if run on ROM mode)
00079         - Step 3: Connect UART0 on this board to COM port on your computer
00080         - Step 4: Configure hardware and serial display as above instruction 
00081         - Step 5: Run example:
00082                     + Chose any baudrate
00083                     + Press 'A' or 'a' to synchronize
00084                     + Press any key and see echo on serial display
00086         (Pls see "LPC17xx Example Description" document - chapter "Examples > UART > AutoBaud"
00087         for more details)
00089 @Tip:
00090     - Open \EWARM\*.eww project file to run example on IAR
00091     - Open \RVMDK\*.uvproj project file to run example on Keil