Modified version of official firmware for Outrageous Circuits' RETRO. See Game.cpp for change history.

Dependencies:   mbed

Fork of Official_RETRO by GHI Electronics

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00001 #include "mbed.h"
00003 #include "DisplayN18.h"
00005 #pragma once
00007 class Game {    
00008     static const char* LOSE_1;
00009     static const char* LOSE_2;
00010     static const char* SPLASH_1;
00011     static const char* SPLASH_2;
00012     static const char* LIVES;
00013     static const char* SCORE;
00015     static const int BALL_RADIUS = 3;
00016     static const int BALL_STARTING_SPEED = 3;
00017     static const int PADDLE_WIDTH = 38;
00018     static const int PADDLE_HEIGHT = 4;
00019     static const int PADDLE_SPEED = 5;
00020     static const int BOUNCE_SOUND_TICKS = 2;
00021     static const int GRAPH_HEIGHT = 40;
00022     static const int GRAPH_SPACING = 2;
00023     static const char I2C_ADDR = 0x1C << 1;
00025     int ballX;
00026     int ballY;
00027     int ballSpeedX;
00028     int ballSpeedY;
00029     int paddleX;
00030     int pwmTicksLeft;
00031     int lives;
00032     int score;
00033     int graphX;    
00034     bool mode;
00035     bool lastUp;
00036     bool lastDown;
00037     bool muted;
00038     unsigned short colors[3];
00040     DigitalIn left;
00041     DigitalIn right;
00042     DigitalIn down;
00043     DigitalIn up;
00044     DigitalIn square;
00045     DigitalIn circle; 
00046     DigitalOut led1;
00047     DigitalOut led2;
00048     PwmOut pwm;
00049     AnalogIn ain;
00050     I2C i2c;
00051     DisplayN18 disp;
00053     void readRegisters(char address, char* buffer, int len);
00054     int writeRegister(char address, char value);
00055     void getXYZ(double& x, double& y, double& z);
00056     double convert(char* buffer);
00057     void printDouble(double value, int x, int y);
00059     void drawAxes();
00060     void drawPoint(int axis, double value);
00061     void checkGraphReset();
00063     void initialize();
00064     void initializeBall();
00066     void drawString(const char* str, int y);
00068     void clearPaddle();
00069     void drawPaddle();
00070     void updatePaddle();
00072     void clearBall();
00073     void drawBall();
00074     void updateBall();
00076     void checkButtons();
00077     void checkCollision();
00078     void checkPwm();
00079     void checkLives();
00081     public:
00082         Game();
00084         void showSplashScreen();
00085         void tick();
00086 };