11 years, 1 month ago.

MBED.HTM link missing so I cannot add my device (LPC11U24) to compile the program.

Compiling a program within the “Program Workspace”.

The main.ccp is the ‘Hello world’ and the target device attached is the LPC11U24. This is visible from my Windows XP System and I am using the mbed Online Compiler but I cannot compile the binary due to ‘No device selected’.

This is the problem. The board was taken from one of our students. There is a program on it (firmware.bit) and it runs a rotating LED sequence (file size of 32K).

To run another program, the instructions ask to run the MBED.HTM link that resides on the device; I assume this is a license file to enable the downloading of your device? If so, how do I get this file as we no longer have access to it?

This is same question as posted by Robert L that Bob S replied to. The latest firmware file required (mbedmicrocontroller_141212.if) is 129K in size, the device I have seems only to accept up to 32K. Therefore it will not load?

Thanks in advance, Regards DK.

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1 Answer

11 years, 1 month ago.

Formatting the mbed, and after that removing it from the computer and plugging it in again should restore the MBED.htm file.

At the right top of your compiler window, which device does it say it is compiling for and which can you select?

Thank you for your prompt reply Erik.

I have carried out your instructions and noticed this.

Deleting the existing file and changing the devices file name, then formatting the device, you have a total usable space of 32K.

Power cycling the device for a few seconds replaces the original file name of ‘CRP Disabled’ and adds a firmware.bin file of 32K again. It then proceeds to run the LED cycle display.

I will have to look into this a bit more. All the suggestions should work? I think the main firmware for this device has been edited to include (embed) this LED display sequence.

Thanks again for your answer, Regards DK

posted by Dan Kasht 01 May 2013

After you format the mbed (just from windows explorer, right mouse button, format), and you replug the mbed, it still runs a rotating LED sequence? Pretty sure that isn't supposed to happen.

Maybe mbed staff knows something to solve that. I guess you could try the same sequence, but while holding the reset button of the mbed (yeah that is pretty irritating to do). That way user code from the 11u24 shouldn't be able to interfere. But I agree you would think that someone flashed his own firmware in the mbed itself, if that happened it might be impossible to solve it.

posted by Erik - 01 May 2013