5 years, 7 months ago.

Which library should I choose when I use LCD?

I have a LCD 1602 and TFT LCD , I don't know how to initialize LCD and which library I can use.

Question relating to:

MAX32625PICO Programmable Interface Controller

3 Answers

5 years, 7 months ago.

Hello! I'm not do good at this, because I'm new in this. But, when I had the same I just ask my friend from dissertation assistance services advised me to look at some forums the same questions. I think this will fit you https://forum.arduino.cc/index.php?topic=420359.0 . This is really great tread that connects to your question. I hope It'll help you a little!

5 years, 7 months ago.

Hi, for LCD 1602 use HD44780 Text LCD https://os.mbed.com/components/HD44780-Text-LCD/

or visit this page and select your display or similar display https://os.mbed.com/components/cat/display/

5 years, 6 months ago.

When I have the same, I just asked my friend to suggest that I see some of the same questions in the forum. This is a very great tread that connects to your problem https://www.mypaperwriter.co.uk/ .