9 years, 1 month ago.

mbed llb file empty

hi, I've attempted downloading the mbed library however it seems like the compressed folder is empty. Could someone please send me the library or fix the link?


Question relating to:

which mbed lib are you referring to ? I am not familiar with the text you referenced and could not locate there anything related. Please be more specific, share exact location of the link there.

posted by Martin Kojtal 04 May 2015

Apologies for any ambiguity. I was referring to the "mbed_LVLibrary.zip" folder, listed on the "Interfacing with LabVIEW" page.

The link is: https://developer.mbed.org/media/uploads/MichaelW/mbed_lvlibrary.zip

I can download the folder, but it seems like the compressed folder is corrupt, so I can't get the contents. I could view them via WinRAR, but wasn't sure if they were complete either.


posted by Deniz Aksel 04 May 2015
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