6 years, 6 months ago.

The best configuration

May you advice me, the best configuration of registers for MAX30003? Now I've got these values set in my MAX30003. But the result is not satisfactory.

SW_RST, 0x000000 CNFG_GEN, 0x081007 CNFG_CAL, 0x720000 CNFG_EMUX, 0x0B0000 CNFG_ECG, 0x005000 CNFG_RTOR1, 0x3fc600 SYNCH, 0x000000 FIFO_RST, 0x000000

Question relating to:

MAXREFDES100# Health Sensor Platform

1 Answer

6 years, 6 months ago.

Hi Emilian,

Here are register settings that you may use to measure ECG, but you should modify them according to your application. If you are using the HSP tethered (USB cable connected), you must use the third VCM lead for body bias.

CNFG_GEN: 0x080000 This is for lead-off detection disabled. If you want lead-off detection enabled, see datasheet Table 21 for details.

CNFG_CAL: 0x000000 The calibration voltage should be disabled while measuring ECG.

CNFG_EMUX: 0x000000 Connect ECG leads, disconnect calibration voltages.

CNFG_ECG: 0x805000 128sps, DLPF and DHPF enabled.

CNFG_RTOR1: 0x3F6300 R-R enabled with default settings.

CNFG_RTOR2: 0x202400 default R-R settings.

SYNCH and FIFO_RST: set to 0x000000 to begin new ECG recording.