7 years, 4 months ago.  This question has been closed. Reason: Off Topic

I2C on V134 seems to be broken on NUCLEO STM32F103RB

Hello, Started a new project with V134 and wasn't getting anything on the i2c Bus of a NUCLEO STM32F103RB, running this scan :

for(int i = 0; i < 128 ; i++) { i2c.start(); if(i2c.write(i << 1)) pc.printf("0x%x ACK \r\n",i); Send command string i2c.stop();

Returns ACK on all the addresses

Reverting to SDK release V130, everything works as expected and only returns ack on the addresses with a peripheral.


EDIT from ST: I just ran the test on latest MBED master branch with NUCLEO_F103RB and this works ok. (print in console shows 0x48 ACK 0x50 ACK). Please let us know if any further issue.

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