9 years, 3 months ago.

My board doesn´t turned on

After copying the file to the BOOTLOADER disk, I disconected the board and when I plugged it again it doesnt turned on.

I´m scared, and I don´t no what I do wrong.

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1 Answer

9 years, 3 months ago.

I am having a similar issue, trying to sort out why this is happening. You can get back to the bootloader by unplugging the board, then plugging the board back in while holding down the reset button.

Trouble: After copying the .s19 update file to the BOOTLOADER disk, disconnecting and reconnecting the KL46Z results in unresponsive hardware, the MBED disk never enumerates, and the MBED driver refuses to install because the installer did not detect an mbed microcontroller.

Examining the files in the BOOTLOADER disk, the last status file typically says "Programming...", which seems to me would mean for some reason the file transfer did not go well or the board was unplugged too quickly. Once I saw "Completed." however the same symptoms above persist, so maybe there is nothing to my previous theory.

Further exploration on the forums seems to indicate at one point in time there was some trouble with updating firmware from Windows 8.1 - which I am running here. I'll try updating firmware with a Windows 7 machine tonight and see if that changes things. The forums are unclear if the Windows 8.1 issue was ever resolved.

I connected the KL46Z to a Windows 7 computer and was able to update the firmware successfully. On update, the device now appears to be functioning normally. My advice: Find a Windows 7 computer and update your firmware from that.

Accepted Answer

The bootloader on this board needs to be updated before the debug application using a Windows 7 or older computer.

posted by Sam Grove 12 Mar 2015