8 years, 3 months ago.

Could not connect to network

I have a STM32F091 Nucleo and a Ethernet Shield based on Wiz5100 (http://www.aitendo.com/product/10267)

I connected the non standard SPI pins as the figure (couldnt understand well your notation)


I had some problems with the serial output of the program but finally solved it.

So now I have the following output:

Get IP address...

DHCP Started, waiting for IP Timeout

Could not connect to network! Retrying ...

DHCP Started, waiting for IP Timeout

like this for ever...

I am not very skilled at networking, just learning now. So I will be very grateful for you experts to take a look. Is this result maybe indication of some settings in my own network?? For example maybe DHCP does not work and I should use static IPs??

10.10.X.X. addresses are private addresses right? I ask this because I suspect that that is what my network ask to connect to the internet (plus proxis and stuff... seems really complicated)

This weekend when I got home I am going to try this in my home network to see if this works... in the meantime any comment will be greatly appreciated

Question relating to:

Just as an update... I tried it on my home network and doesn't get the IP address either (although the network works with DHCP) Any help will be very much appreciated please

posted by Cristian Fuentes 24 Jan 2016

2 Answers

8 years ago.

Hello, I have STM32F103 Nucleo and a Ethernet Shield W5100, and I met the same problem. I wonder have you solve your problem yet? I tried but my serial port assistant just shows like this


Could not connect to network! Retrying ...

DHCP Started, waiting for IP...

Do you have any idea of that?

Many thanks!

ps: I am not sure that do i need configure the IP address of my PC. Actually I have tried Arduion UNO with Ethernet Shield W5100 before, and in that case i should write a destination IP address to the code and configure the IP address of my PC. But when i turn to mbed sample code, there is no such thing.

Unfortunately I could not solve the problem and left it to tackle other problems. Right now I am working on wireless (still lots of problems)

posted by Cristian Fuentes 05 May 2016
8 years ago.

Hello, I have a stm32 nucleo F104RE and had the same problem with a W5100, using the 6 pin non standard port. I changed the Ethernet Shield, now a W5500, that works fine.