8 years, 7 months ago.

ST7920 LCD driver interfacing with Nucleo-L053r8

Pin .No    Pin name (ST7920)   Nucleo-L053R8
1                         VSS                  GND
2                         VDD                  +5V
3                          VO                   +5V
4                       RS ( CS)             MOSI ( D11)
5                        R/W                  CS      (D10)
6                      E(SCLK)              MISO (D12)
7-14                DBO –DB7             D0 – D7
15                       PSB                  NC
16                       NC                   NC
17                      /RST                 NC
18                      Vout/NC              NC
19                     LED_K                GND
20                      LED_A                +5V

These are the connections i made. Here I'm using parallel communication. Unfortunately it is not working. Are these connections fine? Thank you in advance.

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