8 years, 8 months ago.

Linker error using Keil uVision4

How to resolve the below. I got it when i try to compile the example code of mDot board from the website itself as per guidelines given as well.

linking... test.axf: Error: L6320W: Ignoring entry command. Cannot find argument 'Reset_Handler'. test.axf: Warning: L6320W: Ignoring first command. Cannot find argument 'Vectors'. Target not created

Question relating to:

Library for LoRa communication using MultiTech MDOT. Lora, mdot, multitech

Our UDK programming board uses the same programming chip as on the ST-Link. I do not see why it couldn't work if you have the pins wired correctly.

posted by Jason Reiss 09 Oct 2015

1 Answer

8 years, 8 months ago.

Which example are you trying to compile?

Did you export the code from the mbed.org?

Keil uVision4 is not a currently supported export toolchain, which toolchain did you choose?

I didn't export the code, i just downloaded and followed the steps to use Keil

posted by mb s 09 Oct 2015

Hi, I tried to port "helloworld demo code" on mDot board code using ST-Link debugger. I compiled the code using IAR Ver7.40, but still i am unable to update code as I am getting Fatal error as "ST-Link, No MCU device found", how can i resolve the error? Is there any way to update code mDot board except using Debug/USB pins. ST_Link connected as

ST-Link pin no - mDot board pin nos SWIO (pin 7) - 27 SWCLK (pin 9) - 26

ST-Link 1 & 19 are shorted.

posted by mb s 09 Oct 2015