9 years, 8 months ago.

Programming Nucleo: uVision vs. mbed

Hello. I recently got a Nucleo F411RE. I have downloaded the Keil Arm MDK uVision 5 IDE and the packs required. My question is: How the hell can i program the Nucleo with uVision? I downloaded that blinky example from uVision and i cant understand a single fuckin line of code. On the other hand, I read the blinky example here in mbed and it is so much simpler and easy to understand. Just like Arduino's code. Do i have to write assembly-like code in C from uVision? Doesn't uVision has a high-level library like mbed? And is there a way to import mbed library to uVision?

Thanks in advance.

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Affordable and flexible platform to ease prototyping using a STM32F401RET6 microcontroller.

1 Answer

9 years, 8 months ago.


export functionality is available.You can export your program from the online IDE to uvision (more IDE are available, availability varies). The mbed is not part of uVision, and I believe neither in their packing manager.

You can also develop offline, the mbed SDK is available on github. Where you can find tools which are capable of exporting (same as from online IDE).

I have a small project which is capable of generating programs to various tools, this repository shows how to use it with mbed SDK. https://github.com/0xc0170/project_generator_mbed_examples

Regards 0xc0170

Accepted Answer

Thanks for you reply. If i go here http://mbed.org/users/mbed_official/code/mbed/ and select Export to Desktop IDE, select board and uVision, then can i use the libray with uVision? Do you know how to import the library to uVision? And one last question: is mbed sdk the only high-level library to program ARM MCUs?

posted by Manos Kav 29 Sep 2014

That is just export a library, select a program and that one to export. So you can see how is the application set.

Each MCU manufacturer has own SDK. Freescale provides KSDK, ST provides Cube drivers, etc..

posted by Martin Kojtal 29 Sep 2014


I have been regularly using Nucleo 401 on mbed, export project to keil uVision 5, build it and demonstrate its execution in debugger, to my students.

Today I bought Nucleo 411 Board. Code developed on mbed gets downloaded in target board and runs well. I can also export the project to keil uV5. But when I attempted to build it, it is giving following error:

mbed/./FunctionPointer.h(32)"error: #1209 invalid argument to attribute "deprecated" MBED_DEPRECATED_SINCE("mbed-os-5.1"

is there some quick fix to set it right. I need to port lots of old demo code from 401 to 411 all using mbed. the demo has to be done using Keil debugger and now there is not much of time to switch to a new IDE..

Thanks in advance.

-Prakash Dandekar Indore, India

posted by PRAKASH DANDEKAR 27 Sep 2016