9 years, 8 months ago.

Using external oscilator

Hello all,

I'm trying to use an external 4MHz oscillator on my Nucleo F030R8 but how can i force him to start on external oscillator instead of 32 MHz internal oscillator. I saw some good function on system_stm32f0xx.h but how to use them ?

Thanks for your help.

1 Answer

9 years, 8 months ago.


Warning because the clock configuration in the system_stm32f0xx.c file has been written for a 8MHz xtal. If you absolutely want to use a 4MHz xtal instead you will need to change this file yourself.

The other solution is either to use a 8MHz xtal or to use directly the 8MHz clock provided by the MCO of the ST-Link part of the Nucleo board. In these 2 cases you will not need to change anything in the system_stmxxx.c file.

Best regards.


Do you know where i could find system_stm32f0xx.c ? I'll try to change this file in order to use 4MHz crystal Thanks and best regards.

posted by sebastien videau 29 Sep 2014