9 years, 10 months ago.

How to build after importing project into workspace

Hello. I created a project on mbed that works in the mbed environment. When I export it to LPCexpresso using this guide;


I receive 2 errors after building. They are the following;

1. cannot open linker script file : No such file or directory project C/C++ Problem 2. make: * [project.axf] Error 1 project C/C++ Problem

After the build I am supposed to have a binary generated in the "Release" or "Debug" directory, What could be causing these errors? I attached my program and am using LPCXpresso v7.2.0 [Build 153] [2014-05-19]


Question relating to:

Which target did you set - release or debug? There's an issue with release , was reported already. Debug should work.

posted by Martin Kojtal 13 Aug 2014

My build configurations are set to a Debug Build.

posted by Raymond Martin Klucik 13 Aug 2014
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