10 years ago.

Where are example projects for LPC4088?


I have an LPC4088 and I have successfully compiled and downloaded the mbed_blinky project and saved the program to the board. The LPC4088 runs blinky fine and I see the led's blinking. I am trying to find more examples for the LPC4088 such as an ADC project.

Anybody know where to find LPC4088 example projects?

Question relating to:

The mbed-enabled LPC4088 QuickStart Board from Embedded Artists is a easy to use ARM Cortex-M4 rapid prototyping board in a standard through hole DIP package (44-pin), targeted at high-performance as …

1 Answer

10 years ago.


If you haven't already done so you should visit the main documentation page for the LPC4088 QuickStart Board. The link to the main documentation is also specified on the platform page.

There is a page called Software Information describing some of the software. You can also directly visit the code page which lists all code published by Embedded Artists (not only for the LPC4088).

Please note that the mbed API is generic so many of the applications originally published for other platforms will also work for the LPC4088 QuickStart Board.

Accepted Answer

I followed your link to the Software Information which has libraries and a few example projects utilizing the LCD board and I understand that many programs for different boards are so generic that I can modify them to my preference.

Thank You.

posted by Raymond Martin Klucik 05 Jun 2014