9 years, 12 months ago.

After an upload for serial comm test over USB and an install of MBED serial USB driver K64F

After an upload for serial comm test over USB and an install of MBED serial USB driver K64F shows no media in the drive section of windows disk management. There is also no disk showing (of course) in the my computer. I tried reloading the bootloader but that did nothing. Is there a way to totally reset the FRDM K64F?

Question relating to:

Do you have any external debugger which you can connect to K64F to find out if the chip is not secured and still alive?

Is bootloader working or not? Try to get pyOCD and see if that one can connect to the board. You can then erase for example K64F .

posted by Martin Kojtal 23 May 2014

I tried a few things like dropping a SDA firmware into the boot loader and the reset jumper. None of it seemed too work and then for no reason it started working. I'm returning it and have another on the on the way. They are going to do an analysis on it. I've used it with no problem afterwards so possibly an intermittent component. Thanks for the reply! I have a bus pirate that supports open ocd. I was going to try that but it started working.

posted by Matt Miano 23 May 2014
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