11 years, 4 months ago.

interfacing lcd

/media/uploads/kpraveen/img_0004.jpg i am interfacing lcd JHD162A with my mbed board.....but i am not getting data displayed on LCD.......... JHD162A has a KS0066 controller....... and the program https://mbed.org/cookbook/Text-LCD is a hitachi 4470 controller....... so for both controllers has a same commands.....please help...

Please provide the schematic showing connections between mbed and the display. What is powersupply voltage for display, what is LCD contrast voltage.

posted by Wim Huiskamp 01 Feb 2013

pin 1 should be GND

pin 2 should be 5V

pin 3 should be Vee (wiper of potmeter, other ends GND and 5V)

pin 5 should be GND (R/W)

Rest of wiring seems OK

posted by Wim Huiskamp 01 Feb 2013

I have wired as u stated above but not getting displayed....

posted by karunakar praveen 02 Feb 2013

Have you tried adjusting the potmeter. Vee should usually be close to 0V. The display should show the top row as black blocks. That row will show right after a reset even without running software. Try the display with only powersupply and vee connected. When you dont see this black row your wiring/voltages are wrong or the display is broken because you had powersupply connected in the wrong way at first.

posted by Wim Huiskamp 02 Feb 2013

finally it got displayed on lcd :) .....my lcd was not working,i bought a new one ...thank you sir for your support

posted by karunakar praveen 02 Feb 2013

3 Answers

11 years, 4 months ago.

Pin-5 (R/W) has to be connected to GND.

Accepted Answer
11 years, 4 months ago.

Could pins 2 & 3 be swapped?

11 years, 4 months ago.

but pin 2-for vee

pin 3-for vcc

not getting