10 years, 1 month ago.

How to transfer the firmware developed in the nucleo to another MCU STM32F103

Hello all!

I usually develope small projects where the space is a constrain. I have one mbed LPC1768, but never used it because of this problem. I also make my own PCB's, so, normally use devides with a pinout till 48 pins. I also have only been using AVR MCU's, but I want to migrate to ARM.

My doubts are the following:

Can I develope the project using a ST Nucleo F103RB and after transfer the firmware to another MCU already embedded into my final project considering that I use only the I/O's that i am going to have in the 48 pins device?

As I have using AVR family, I usually store varaibles into EEPROM. The STM32F103RB as not EEPROM, can I store the variables in the flash memory (forgive me my ignorance), or do I have to have an EEPROM outside and save the data to it and read when is necessary?

Thanks in advance for you help.

Regards, Manuel

Question relating to:

Affordable and flexible platform to ease prototyping using a STM32F103RBT6 microcontroller.

2 Answers

10 years, 1 month ago.

If you are using a device of the same type, with only different number of pins, but with identical SRAM memory (flash may be less, as long as your program still fits), I think it should work without changes.

Regarding data storage, you can normally self program the flash memory (I didn't check it for this specific one, but normally you can), but this isn't close to as trivial as programming an EEPROM. You need to program a large sector, it is quite slow, and limitted write cycles: If you store it just when a new configuration is set for example there is no problem. If you store the current time every second you run quickly out of write cycles. But in general probably a small EEPROM/Flash IC is easier.

Hello Erik!

Thanks for the explanations. Regards, Manuel

posted by Manuel Silva 02 May 2014
10 years ago.

You can also try the STM32L serie which has EEPROM embedded. (NUCLEO L152RE here on mbed) regards, MaxT

Hello Maxime Teissier! Thanks for your information. Manuel

posted by Manuel Silva 12 May 2014