11 years, 4 months ago.

Error multi tasks on mbed NXP LPC2368 !!

Hello ;

i need to run tow tasks on the real time .

i test the program mbos_test ,and threading , but i result error.

I have : mbed NXP LPC2368


the problem like " Ney Palma (spidermanpc):" said is with lpc2368 because this has an ARM7 (ARM7TDMI) and the libraries work with the new ARM(Cortex M0 and Cortex M3). Definitely i think, is a problem of backwards compatibility (the LPC2368 was the prototype of the mbed platform) because the mbed-rtos library for example, that work with Threads dont take in count the ARM7 architecture apparently (only CORTEX M0 and CORTEX M3 of the newer MBED platforms). My advice is to contact mbed support. Greetings


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