10 years, 3 months ago.

How to receive 16 bit Digital value from an ADC ic to mbed lpc 1768 by using SPI communication?

I am using an analog to digital IC to convert an ac signal to a digital signal stream by using ADS7883 ic. The communication between the ic and the mbed lpc 1768 is to be done using SPI communication. ADS7883 is sending a 16 bit data signal. mbed lpc 1768 needs to retrieve the data sending from the ADS7883. I am new to the SPI communication and hence it would be a big help if anyone can help me regarding the SPI code writing to retrieve data from outside into the mbed. Thank you.

1 Answer

10 years, 3 months ago.

A good place to start would be looking at some existing SPI libraries (and their test programs), such as these:

Import librarySCA61T

SCA61T Single Axis Inclinometer

Import libraryLIS302

Interface for an LIS302 accelerometer, using the SPI interface

Accepted Answer

Thank you for your prompt answer.

posted by tharanga kumara 04 Mar 2014