10 years, 3 months ago.

How can i access to UART0 RBR and THR?

Hi, i'm stuck with a project. I have to do a serial communication and access to UART0 receiver buffer register and transmit hold register using the CMSIS. I have basically no idea how to do that. Ones i have define the baudrate (with the function en Serial.h) and the interrupt for the serial port (with the attach function), what i have to put in the callback?

Thank so much in advance, Giacomo

2 Answers

10 years, 3 months ago.

You have to put in the callback what you want the callback to do. But how is that related to your question how to access RBR/THR? Can you try to describe more precise what you want to do exactly?

Regarding the title question:


Without looking it up, but I believe they are the ones.

10 years, 3 months ago.

In my project everytime i have to read or write on the buffer i have to do that using interrupt on UART0. So if i understood well i have to do in the callback for example

void callback(){

        if(pc.readable()) {
            isr_evt_set(EVENTOCR, idrx);
        if (pc.writeable()){
            for(indWbtx=0; indWbtx=BUFFER_SIZE, i++){

Is it right? Thank you, Giacomo

I have no idea, why don't you just use pc.getc()/pc.putc? Also no idea what they rest is supposed to be, but if it is an RTOS (why not use the mbed RTOS?), you probably aren't allowed to put a wait in an interrupt. (With mbed RTOS you also aren't allowed to do putc/getc in an interrupt, solution is to use then RawSerial instead of Serial).

posted by Erik - 03 Mar 2014