10 years, 3 months ago.

This kit has radio certifications?

I'd like to use this BLE kit soon! Out of curiosity, does this kit have radio certifications (especially certification of Japan, TELEC)? If so, we can use easily this board for some of demonstration in Japan.

Question relating to:

The nRF51822-mKIT is a low cost ARM mbed enabled development board for Bluetooth® Smart designs with the nRF51822 SoC. The kit gives access to all GPIO pins via pin headers …

The nRF51822-mKIT is a development platform and have not been through final product qualifications, as this must anyway be done with final hardware by the company making a product for retail sale. The kit have however been tested to comply with ETSI and FCC RF regulatory requirements.

posted by Thomas Ulleberg 24 Mar 2014

2 Answers

10 years, 2 months ago.

The nRF51822-mKIT is a development platform and have not been through final product qualifications, as this must anyway be done with final hardware by the company making a product for retail sale. The kit have however been tested to comply with ETSI and FCC RF regulatory requirements.

Accepted Answer

Thanks! I got it.

posted by Futoshi Takeuchi 29 Mar 2014
10 years, 2 months ago.

I'm not sure about the Japanese regulations, they are a little different to the EU and US one's I'm used to, but most countries allow exceptions to the full rules for demonstration and prototype uses.

Assuming you're transmitting in an unlicensed band (e.g. 2,4GHz ) and aren't mass producing or selling the product you are normally OK as long as you have no reason to believe you will cause interference problems.

Since they say they tested it to comply with the FCC and 2.4GHz is as close to a globally standardized band as there is (make sure you set any region options correctly, there are some differences) then until such time as someone complains it is reasonable to assume you'll be fine for demonstrations.

When it comes to selling the end product things get a lot more complicated.

Thanks for comment! In Japan, its regulation is little bit strange than other country... Any devices have to get certification to transmit radio signal, within non-licensed band, even for demonstration purpose. Only case that transmit power is very low, certification is exempt. I hope that Japanese regulation will change like as US/EU!

posted by Futoshi Takeuchi 29 Mar 2014