10 years, 3 months ago.

mbed not running after pulling usb

My mbed runs any program after it is loaded but does not run after I pull the usb cord out. This happened after I accidentally erased the beginning short LED program. Any ideas?


1 Answer

10 years, 3 months ago.

I hate to ask an obvious question, but are you otherwise providing power to the chip? If you're not using USB, you have to provide electricity - typically 5 volts - via hardware pins. Pins 1 & 2 are ground and VIN, respectively, on the LPC1768. On the KL25Z, they're pins 14 & 16, on the J9 I/O header.

Accepted Answer

Thank You and no you question is never bad and obvious. Keep on asking the obvious.

It keeps us looking for the easy and not tearing out looking for the non-obvious.

posted by triad ---...--- 12 Feb 2014