10 years, 4 months ago.

Is using the LPCXpresso with mbed.h any good?


I have received a LPCXpresso (LPC1769) and I'm trying to program it using the LPCXpresso IDE with the mbed.h files imported from the mbed.org online compiler.

Now my question is whether or not it is a good idea to use this imported (blank) project as a base for my LPCXpresso projects.

I plan on using SPI, USB, UART, ...

The problem is that the LPCXpresso IDE doesn't officially support C++ and the mbed code is C++ if I'm correct?

So do you think I should keep using the LPCXpresso or just buy a Mbed?

3 Answers

10 years, 4 months ago.

You should be able to use the mbed online compiler and libs with the lpcxpresso lpc1769 board. The only thing you need in addition is some method for downloading/flashing the binary produced by the mbed online compiler. You could use the lpcxpresso environment for that or you can modify the hardware somewhat and use either the serial bootloader and flashmagic or a separate JTAG/SWD programmer. See my example with the LPC812 lpcxpresso. This solution is needed because the onboard programmer on the lpcxpresso is not supported by mbed.

There are some other hints on the mbed site regarding the use of specific features of the LPC1769 vs LPC1768. Also note that some mbed features like the local file system are not supported on the LPCxpresso board.

Thanks for the link, it looks very useful!

This does appear as the only option, but I plan on making my own board with a LPC1769 (or 8). So maybe this is the time to design a print that will be useful and easy to program/use.

What do you think is the easiest way to implement it?

posted by Tinus Scheppers 31 Jan 2014

There are reference designs available on the mbed website. These include both the target processor (eg lpc1768) as well as the mbed interface chip that allows you to flash a binary and provides a virtual serial port. Alternatives for the interface chip are: SWD or JTAG port with an external programmer, serial port for use with flashmagic (implemented either as RS232 or through a USB-serial converter. There is also the possibility to use USB for flashing a new bin, but that is more elaborate and maybe not a good idea.

You can get started quickly by either getting an LPC1768 mbed or by modifying the LPCxpresso board.

posted by Wim Huiskamp 31 Jan 2014

Thanks I will check it out!

posted by Tinus Scheppers 01 Feb 2014
10 years, 4 months ago.

I use LPCXpresso to flash the BIN file I produced on Mbed.

Just have a project loaded in LPCXpresso (any project will do, doesn't have to compile or do anything as this will not be sent to the target anyway), select 'Program Flash' from the menu bar and select the project and Ok. You will then have a dialog 'Program Flash using LPC Link probe v.xx' providing your LPC Link board is connected. Leave the default settings. Browse to your Mbed saved BIN file on the 'Program Flash memory' tab. Click Ok and away it goes. Works every time.

You can also connect the LPC-Link programmer part if you separate it from the MCU part on your own boards as it is effetely a J-tag type programmer.

Thanks for the tip, I'll try it out today!

posted by Tinus Scheppers 01 Feb 2014
10 years, 4 months ago.

Ok, everything (USBSerial too, I just made a wiring mistake) is working thanks guys!